"You can’t teach forgiveness you can only experience it."
Jean Paul Samputu
Rachel Bird2021-02-25T16:05:20+00:00"On that day I suddenly felt totally free. I felt a power that I cannot describe."
Philippe Ngirente and Teresphore Uzabakiriho
simon2023-08-14T09:56:36+01:00"We wanted to do more than just forgive, but to actually live as neighbours and friends, side by side."
Jean-Baptiste Ntakirutimana
davewilkinson2021-04-23T10:52:46+01:00"He told us that he was expecting me to want to kill him, which he said would be justice since he had killed my mother."
Mary Blewitt
davewilkinson2021-10-28T13:47:42+01:00"I couldn’t sit around and wait for something to happen, so I started my own organisation – SURF."