Wael Salame


"I have remained active ever since, believing passionately that if Palestinian freedom fighters and former Israeli soldiers can form a group with a common cause, then anyone can."

Riham Musa


"I believe violence breeds violence and there’s no choice now for me other than to find another way."

Oren Kalisman


"The healing part of the story for me has been starting a new Combatants for Peace group in Nablus."

Nour Shehadah


"In Combatants for Peace I am happy to talk to the young soldiers who have laid down their arms and are sorry for what they’ve done. I can forgive them."

Idan Barir


"I wrote a letter to my commanders and told them I was no longer willing to take part in any fighting in the occupied Palestinian territories."

Zohar Shapira


"Once the anger ceases, the heart opens and understanding is possible."

Chen Alon


"My children were human, and yet we had dehumanized the Palestinian children."

Yulie Cohen


"Once I had felt forgiveness for my attacker, I saw that I also had to forgive my parents."

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