The Forgiveness Project believes that resilience, compassion and understanding are key to developing a sense of our shared humanity. Children and young people have the ability to bring about change through developing new perspectives and putting their ideas into action.

We aim to support schools and educators to empower children and young people to explore forgiveness, justice, empathy and compassion through the sharing of real life stories.

“I believe exposing students to models of healthy forgiveness and then having them analyze and reflect on the how’s and why’s that person came to forgive, gives them lifelong tools that transcend any academic lesson I could possibly teach them. To learn to forgive authentically and well is an essential life skill that is not attained by osmosis and, yet, if learned guarantees a happier, more fulfilled life.”
Ginger Lewis, Teacher

Philosophy for Children

A series of four resources for use within Philosophy for Children (P4C) enquiries, or as stand alone activities within lessons or tutor time.

Each resource includes a preparation activity, film link to a real life story of forgiveness, a concept mind map and example philosophical questions.

Stories of Forgiveness

A series of nine lessons exploring three topics: Forgiveness and Justice, Why do people forgive? and Forgiving the Unforgivable.

Each lesson includes a lesson plan, PowerPoint presentation with a film link to a real life story of forgiveness and a student booklet.

Get in touch

We would love to hear your ideas, thoughts or questions about our education work, so please do get in touch via